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"If one truly loves nature, one can find beauty everywhere" -VvG


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Field Session 3

Another great trip into the vast spread of exploration blocks 4 and 5.  Found great exposures of oil shale and even did a cool field test of their viability over the camp stove :)  We made an attempt at the summit of Baga Bogd Uul (under the guise of sampling for a fission track profile; only geologists could legitimize baggin' a peak as science:))  we gained ~5000 vertical feet but got cliffed-out merely 200' from the top, gerrr.  Finished the last hour on the way down in the dark - yikes!  This trip was unseasonably cold and we even got some fresh snow in the high-country; I suppose its not all that different than back in CO...
Back in UB a little earlier than expected, but we heard the call of duty to rally on the current operation block - seeing as it's paying the bills and all.  Hopefully get a few more field sessions this season before the winter weather really sets in.

Drill trucks making holes for seismic explosives :))

Getting water for the day, Bogd Zuun style...

Healing mineral water, magic spring style...

Baga Bogd Uul approach.

The ascent, and a tired pooch sleepin sitting upright at about 3,400m elev.

Urango...the intern.

Kurt sneakin through a passage in this weird moonscape of mudstone.

Brando on the moonscape.

Zaya holding an example of why this has been called the
"Cannonball Sandstone"

Apparently, this is also known as the dog world.

A game of bones, simulating a horse race (line on right); you advance
by rolling a horse rather than the goats, sheep and camel that I rolled (left).

Dashka doing a traditional milk tossing ritual.  Interestingly, Mongolia has a
similar name as we do for the big dipper constellation; essentially big spoon.
Notice that a ladle is typically used for this milk toss; later in the trip we made
the connection, while staring at the beautiful night sky and meteor shower,
 that the milky way is just a giant celestial milk offering :))

The best way to find a route across the Gobi is not by GPS,
it's by asking those who live there.

The Session 3 Crew: Me, Tarro, Dashka, Odto, Moggi, Kurt, Zaya
(Urango Photo)

Look at those oil shales :))) (Dark on the hillside)

 Burnin oil shale!!!

The Gobi is dry, but the water table is shallow and often great for drinking.
A good find for a thirsty hound.

Not a bad scene to wake up to the morning you're heading back to civilization.

Each time I return to this part of the country I gain more understanding of one natural example of "less is more"; the scenery, logistical realities, great distances, people and climate all weave themselves into a tapestry that is only beginning to reveal itself.
Complex, colorful, delicate, balanced, resilient, timeless, and beautiful.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nadam Holiday and a little bit of the city (bout time for tourism I guess)

Tail end of the most recent regroup in the city.  Headin back to the field at the end of the week.
All in all it was a great recharge period, we were able to see a performance by the Mongolian Circus, the opening ceremonies of the national holiday (Nadam) and lastly I celebrated my 30th birthday (sorry no evidence...).

The next level in Jumpin Rope...

The Cavalry

Leading the flags out of the government building.

Law enforcement officers running through some martial arts

Mongolian wrestlers; you might notice there are no weight classes
Click on the picture to enlarge and then look at the pair in the
center of the frame...he must be outweighed by 150lbs+!!!

Gnarly archers, these guys were nailing targets the size of tin cans
on the ground at over 50yrds.

A recently added, yet historical game.  I forget the
Mongolian name, but to some effect means "bones".
The object is to fling a wedge shaped bone out of a wooden slide
and hit two more bones sitting on a wooden box
(just below the picture).

The SWAT team was there too....
Now some shots of the UB life

Looking north over the city on a murky day-hike in the hills
just outside of town.

Mongolian National Emblem on the gates surrounding the gov't

The front of the government building from Suukbaatar Square.
Thant'd be Chinggis himself sitting under the arch.

B-Dog getting ready to cross Suukbaatar Square.
Unfortunately, rumor has it that the sweet high-
rise in the distance is out of spec at the foundation
and has to be torn down
(it was never fully finished)

Statue of Suukbaatar in the middle of the square.

A monument in the gardens behind Parliament.

The Pad

I know, the wall paper is radical...
And yes that is the flag of Madagascar hangin
from the door (courtesy my buddy Jake)

Out the back off the balcony (3rd floor)

Out the front window (Parliament and the back gardens; the hills
we did the dayhike on are in the distance)

another cool building on the way to the Irish Pub

The half squat, ready to go for a walk, stance and
